
Mixed Colours

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Mixed Colours

Chanda na Kay

Mixed Colours
Chanda na Kay is a unique duo of orange and anthracite. Combing the edge and raw depth of anthracite beads with the warm and lush orange pearls, is the perfect mix for those who can't decide if they are introverts or extroverts. (190-200cm long)

Nile in the Desert

Mixed Colours
Travel back in time, when royalty reigned over the Nile and dunes of the Sahara desert. Get this gem of blue and gold and celebrate the heritage the Nile River has given humanity and adorn yourself with its remnants. (190-200cm long)

Queen B Mood4eva

Mixed Colours
All hail Queen B and wear this mood 4eva. A buzzing beauty of anthracite and yellow to mimic the chaotic order of nature and fertility. Enjoy this stinging colour party on your hips. (190-200cm long)

Ru Paul

Mixed Colours
This flamboyant funk of pink, green and orange is the perfect way to appreciate youthfulness without the bore of innocence. As the great Ru Paul once said, "That is the key to navigating this life - don't take it too seriously. That's when the party begins!" (190-200cm long)
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